
09级英语本科(1)班 蔡亮 0950110035

Remember history, but forget hatred

There goes a very famous proverb:” Take copper as a mirror, I can tidy up my clothes; take people as a mirror, I will know what I do is right or not; take history as a mirror, I will know how the things rise and fall. ” it tells us an obvious

truth----remember our history and learn a lesson.

As for me, history can be divided into two parts: wonderful history and miserable history. As to the former, such as the history of Confucius, the history of the Four Inventions, and the history of many heroes and so on, we should do our best to remember firmly and never forget it. But as to the later, such as the Opium War, the Nanking Massacre and so on, what shall we do? Shall we remember it forever, or shall we forget it right now? Neither! We should remember the lesson of miserable history, but forget the resentment of it.

Remember the past and it will guild your future. For the wonderful history, we can continue to develop and benefit next generation. For the miserable history, we must learn a lesson. Taking the Nanking Massacre for example, the Chinese people should strengthen ourselves and make us more powerful; but the Japanese should not visit to the Yasukuni war shrine and give a sincere apology to Chinese people. And they both should learn to cherish the hard-earned peace and show respect for our lives.

However, bearing history in mind does no mean remembering hatred. After all, what’s past is past; we should look to the future. Hatred can not solve the present problems, only by facing history squarely and self-examining history objectively can we hope to build up a good relationship and improve together. So for the Japanese, we

only need an apology and a right attitude.

All in all, we should learn from our history and forget the unpleasant parts. Just as a saying goes” remember what should be remembered and forget what should be forgotten”.


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