科技英语 习题答案

V 、练习参考答案


I 、

1、the (各项均为负。)

2、the; a (功率额定值是电阻器不会引起温度太大的上升而能安全地耗散的最大功率。)

3、an (这是均方根值伏特计。)

4、The; a(该设备的成功设计需要详细地了解性能指标。)

5、the; a; a(在氢原子的布尔模型中,一个电子绕一个质子以半径为R 的圆周运转。)

6、the (电阻的单位是欧姆。)

7、an (这是一个h 参数。)

8、/; /(图5-1画出了Oersted 的实验。)

9、A; a; a(机器是能够传递力来完成某一确定目的的一种设备。)


11、the; the [/](我们容易确定参数μ的值。)

12、/; the(根据式(2-1),我们得到以下的关系式。)

13、the; /(作者工作在位于阿林顿的得克萨斯大学。)

14、an (甚至当积分区间并不是无穷时,能够恰当地显示一个时函数的傅氏变换的仪器是多么重要啊!)

II 、

1. Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001.

2. Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering

Xi ’an

University of Technology in 1988.

3. Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks.


Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as


5. 或






3. Dynamic analysis and evaluation security proactive secret



4. The approach can be applied 7.

arbitrary profile.



I 、

3. This

satellite is used for communications between the United States Great

II 、

1. Its error is six parts in 10.

2. This computer stores four times more information than that one (does).

3. The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be 20 times what it is.

4. The voltage across this component is a few tenths of a volt.

5. Now its internal pressure is one sixteenth what it was.



can be neglected.


I 、


5. analyzing [By the analysis of] the parameters of the instrument, we can understand its performance.

8. They solved this problem with great difficulty.

II 、

there is no solution to this equation [this equation has no solution].

o 12

3. This circuit is similar in operation to that of Fig. 1-10.

4. This computer is very good in performance.

5. These waves travel only in one direction.


of October.

CBO can be neglected. 7.

练习4 I 、

1. The force acts perpendicular to the surface of the table.

3. The two equations will be often (frequently) used in later chapters/in the 5. The output remains/stays constant/unchanged/fixed/unaltered/the same.

7. Accurate in operation and high in speed, computers have found wide applications.

8. The answer to this problem looks correct.

i .

12. Upon rearranging the equation we have [get, obtain] the following expression.

II 、

1. In this case, the input does not fall; nor [neither] does the output. […; the output does not fall, either.]

2. The resistance of a conductor on the

the conductor is made, but also on the size and temperature of the conductor.



I 、

1. This equation can be solved

of the following two ways/the two

ways which follow.


has the same unit as work (does).

II 、


are used to connect

these components.

5. AC can be changed/turned/converted/transformed/translated into/to DC,

the multimeter

is widely used in electrical engineering.


R o




IV 、


I 、

3. 2electronics.

II 、

radars. III 、

…, this

phenomenon was made no use of.

IV 、


This computer than that one (does)/This computer is

much better in performance than that one (is)..

4. the resistance, it takes for the capacitor to reach its maximum voltage/…, the longer time is required for the capacitor to reach its maximum voltage.) 10

V 、


We can determine the weight of the body easily.

… are in agreement with the experimental values.]


I 、

5. In this laboratory there are many kinds of instrument for students to choose from.

6. Let t 0 x must be less than 1.

14. Elasticity is the tendency

II 、

1. The sine emphasized.

2. Not only temperature and light affect the conductivity, but

the addition


great help.


I 、

5. Fig. 1 –

6. A transformer is a device 11. the student will understand/will have understood the principle of a computer.

14. the Internet is a widely used international network.

II 、

1. 2. 3.

the current will increase indefinitely. 4. 5. This paper introduces a new design method/technique, with emphasis on its principle.


1. 2. 3.

4. On/Upon we obtain the following set of


5. IV 、







I 、

2. Nearly 100 years passed the existence/presence of subatomic particles was confirmed by experiment/experimentally.

5. These two resistors should be selected/chosen the transistor can operate normally.

II 、


of electricity.

7. There is a growing/increasing awareness 8. One of/Among the most noteworthy achievements at that time was the realization


1. 2. The existence of and the ability to control these phenomena make those devices possible.

3. The variation of/in the number of the filter ’s teeth the performance of its passband than the variation of/in its dimensions.

4. 5. parameter transformation method.


I 、

2. It is clear from Dubamel’ 3. It follows from Maxwell’s II 、

4. is the entirely new realm of electrical phenomenon.


x 或:Fig. 7 shows …].

configuration [或:The above analysis of the decomposition of the polynomial


I 、

1. The we use to measure the voltage across a resistor is called a voltmeter.

7. The number of times this particle vibrates per/a second is called/termed/named/known as/spoken of as/referred to as frequency.

9. It is necessary to determine the time which the y -component has decreased to zero.

x -axis. II 、

α= ω.

the screen.



5. This function can be accomplished by using the full adder 6. These concepts enable us to understand a wide range of phenomena in electrostatics, o

or “static electricity,” IV 、

5. During the ten years significant changes have taken place/have been seen in metal-making.

V 、

1. Even in this case these protocols can provide a limited number of

the acceptable quality of voice service.

2. This paper presents a

8098 microcontroller to

series-communicate [A detailed analysis is made of the effect of equalization parameters on equalization performance.]

etc. ”的黑点重合在一起了)

larger the abnormal extent

larger is the residual mismatch, 练习12

I 、

1. be grounded; 2. be carried; 3. be raised; 4. be; 5. not try; 6. be; be satisfied; 7. be; 8. be; was; have; 10. were concentrated; 11. had been; 12. were moving; 13. is going to rain;

14. be; 15. leak

II 、

1. Should anything abnormal happen, switch/turn off the power supply at once/immediately.

2. Had electronic computers not been used, it would have taken them a long time to solve this problem.

3. It is very important that all solutions (should) be checked in the original equation.

4. It is suggested that this design (should) be modified at once.

5. Without semiconductors, satellite communications would be impossible.

6. We could also have used Theorem (6) to derive the result.

7. The requirement that energy (should) be conserved must be satisfied.

8. Everything here, be it a component or a device, is home-made.


3. The speed with which sound waves move through a

depend on the properties of the medium. 5. This property we call inertia.

IV 、

image processing and recognition.

2. Let P

and Q be two Boolean permutations of same then

their composition is a new Boolean permutation.

5. The minimum entropy technique the Doppler frequency rate is 练习13

II 、

4. Only when x 8. This interrelationship between electric and magnetic fields a wire.

II 、

1. The effect of air resistance is discussed in Chapter 15, and


5. This is responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere 7. It is necessary to determine

IV 、

2. The model and algorithm proposed in this paper are to a certain degree/extent 3. A new technique for estimating the frequency deviation is proposed which gives a high accuracy and requires a small amount of computation.

4. Improvement of the accuracy of range alignment in ISAR imaging (by) using the super resolution technique


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