
1. 中国服饰文化指的是中国的汉族和各个少数名族的传统服饰文化。

Chinese costume culture refers to the traditional culture of costumes of the HanNationality and the other minorities.


Chinese is a country of 56 ethnic nationalities.


Every nationality has its own clothing style with distinct characteristics due to the influence of culture ,tradition and geographical features.


On the other hand, they have influenced and learned from eath other in the way of dressing.服饰式样是各民族的重要标志。

The style of the costume is the symbol of the ethnic nationality.

各民族服饰的变化显示了其经济生活、宗教信仰、审美意识(aestheitc consciousness )和风俗习惯的发展。

The change of their costume shows the development of their economic life,religious belief,aesthetic consciousness and customs.


The customs of Chinese minorities are colorful,exquisite and highly distinctive.


They play an important part in the excellent history and culture of the ethnic groups.

2、 提到中国文化就不能不提到中国饮食。

It is impossible to mention Chinese culture without mentioning Chinese food .


Chinese dishes are rich and varied ,coming from (originating from) China’s 56 ethnic nationalities and vast territory.

在中国北方,人们最喜欢吃的美食(delicious )是饺子,那儿的人们都是在除夕和新年第一天的早饭吃饺子。

In north China,dumplings are the favorite delicious of people.In north China,dumplings are the favorite delicious of people.People there always eat dumplings on New Year’s Eve and for breakfast on the New Year’s day.


The custom of eating dumplings as a special dish during spring festival stated in Ming Dynasty about 500 years ago.


The reason is very simple,that is the shape of the dumplings look like the money used in ancient China.

因为春节意味着新的一年的开始,人们选择吃饺子来表示自己期望(connote )来年财运亨通。

Since the spring festival marks the start of a new year,people choose to eat dumplings to connote their wishes for good fortune in the next year.


Although times have changed,the tradition has remained.

3、泼水节(the Water-sprinkling Festival)是云南省西双版纳州傣族人的重要节日,一般从4月中旬开始,持续3到5天。

The Water-sprinkling Festival is an important festival of the Dai ethnic group in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province.It usually begins in mid-April and lasts 3 to 5 days.

节日期间,每家的大门都会用彩色的剪纸(paper-cuts )装饰一番,所有的村民都会穿上节日的盛装,杀牛宰羊,准备佳肴美酒欢度节日。

During the festival,the door of every home will be decorated with multicolored paper-cuts.All the villages are dressd in their best clothes for holidays ,slaughter sheep and cows, and prepare delicious food and wine for feasting.

节日期间将会举办各种娱乐活动,包括唱歌、跳舞,放烟花、赛龙舟以及放孔明灯(air-borne paper lanterns)。

Besides,a variety of entertainments are held including singing,dancing,setting off fireworks, dragon-boat racing and fly exhibiting air-borne paper lanterns.


But the most popular activity is water-splashing .

傣族民众一整天都会互相追逐、泼水,因为泼水是祝福家人和朋友发财好运的一种方式。 The Dai people will chase each other and pour water over each all day long,since water splashing is a way to wish good luck and fortune to friends and family members.

4、放鞭炮(firecrackers )是春节庆祝时最盛行的习俗之一。

Setting off firecrackers is one of the most popular customs in Spring Festival celebration.


In the Song Dynasty,people used gun powder to make firecrackers to replace the original bamboo tubes.


At first,people set off firecrackers was to keep away evil spirits and seek happiness.


Now firecrackers are set off more for enhancing the fastive atmosphere than for the original purpuse.


Since setting off firecrackers may cause the fire accident and make people injured,there are rules and regulations in different regions to ban people setting off firecrackers.

尽管有禁止燃放烟花爆竹的规定,但很多市民还是会到乡村、郊区放烟花来庆祝新年。 Despite the regulations,many citizens will go to the countryside to set off fireworks to celebrate the coming of the New Year.


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