

第1 first 1st

第2 second 2nd

第3 third 3rd

第4 fourth 4th

第5 fifth 5th

第6 sixth 6th

第7 seventh 7th

第8 eighth 8th

第9 ninth 9th

第10 tenth 10th

第11 eleventh 11th

第12 twelfth 12th

第13 thirteenth 13th

第14 fourteenth 14th

第15 fifteenth 15th

第16 sixteenth 16th

第17 seventeenth 17th

第18 eighteenth 18th

第19 nineteenth 19th

第20 twentieth 20th

第21 twenty-first 21st

第22 twenty-second 22nd

第23 twenty-third 23rd

第24 twenty-fourth 24th

第25 twenty-fifth 25th

第26 twenty-sixth 26th

第27 twenty-seventh 27th

第28 twenty-eighth 28th

第29 twenty-ninth 29th

第30 thirtieth 30th

第31 thirty-first 31st

第32 thirty-second 32nd

第33 thirty-third 33rd

第34 thirty-fourth 34th

第35 thirty-fifth 35th

第36 thirty-sixth 36th

第37 thirty-seventh 37th

第38 thirty-eighth 38th

第39 thirty-ninth 39th

第40 fortieth 40th

第41 forty-first 41st

第42 forty-second 42nd

第43 forty-third 43rd

第44 forty-fourth 44th

第45 forty-fifth 45th

第46 forty-sixth 46th

第47 forty-seventh 47th

第48 forty-eighth 48th

第49 forty-ninth 49th

第50 fiftieth 50th

第51 fifty-first 51st

第52 fifty-second 52nd

第53 fifty-third 53rd

第54 fifty-fourth 54th

第55 fifty-fifth 55th

第56 fifty-sixth 56th

第57 fifty-seventh 57th

第58 fifty-eighth 58th

第59 fifty-ninth 59th

第60 sixtieth 60th

第61 sixty-first 61st

第62 sixty-second 62nd

第63 sixty-third 63rd

第64 sixty-fourth 64th

第65 sixty-fifth 65th

第66 sixty-sixth 66th

第67 sixty-seventh 67th

第69 sixty-ninth 69th

第70 seventieth 70th

第71 seventy-first 71st

第72 seventy-second 72nd

第73 seventy-third 73rd

第74 seventy-fourth 74th

第75 seventy-fifth 75th

第76 seventy-sixth 76th

第77 seventy-seventh 77th

第78 seventy-eighth 78th

第79 seventy-ninth 79th

第80 eightieth 80th

第81 eighty-first 81st

第82 eighty-second 82nd

第83 eighty-third 83rd

第84 eighty-fourth 84th

第86 eighty-sixth 86th

第87 eighty-seventh 87th

第88 eighty-eighth 88th

第89 eighty-ninth 89th

第90 ninetieth 90th

第91 ninety-first 91st

第92 ninety-second 92nd

第93 ninety-third 93rd

第94 ninety-fourth 94th

第95 ninety-fifth 95th

第96 ninety-sixth 96th

第97 ninety-seventh 97th

第98 ninety-eighth 98th

第99 ninety-ninth 99th

第100 one hundredth 100th



one hundred and twenty-first 第一百二十一

one thousand three hundred and twentieth 第一千三百二十 two hundred and fifty-second 第二百五十二

0 nought;zero;O

1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten

11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

15 fifteen

16 sixteen

17 seventeen

18 eighteen

19 nineteen

20 twenty

21 twenty-one

22 twenty-two

23 twenty-three

30 thirty

40 forty

50 fifty

60 sixty

70 seventy

80 eighty

90 ninety

100 one hundred

101 one hundred and one

156 one hundred and fifty-six

192 one hundred and ninety-two

200 two hundred

300 three hundred

400 four hundred

500 five hundred

600 six hundred

700 seven hundred

800 eight hundred

900 nine hundred

1,000 one thousand

1,001 one thousand and one

1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred 2,000 two thousand

2,034 two thousand and thirty-four

6,502 six thousand five hundred and two

38,000 thirty-eight thousand

45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two

500,000 five hundred thousand

1,000,000 one million

3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred

8,000,000 eight million

47,000,000 forty-seven million

900,000,000 nine hundred million

1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion) 1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million

10,000,000,000 ten billion

200,000,000,000 two hundred billion

1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion) 6,000,000,000,000 six million milliond

January (Jan.) 一月;

February (Feb.) 二月;

March (Mar.) 三月;

April (Apr.) 四月;

May (may.)五月; June(Jun.)六月;



September(Sept.)九月; October(Oct.)十月;

November(Nov.)十一月; December(Dec.)十二月 .

星期一: Mon.=Monday 星期二: Tues.=Tuesday 星期三: Wed.=Wednesday 星期四: Thur.=Thurday 星期五: Fri.=Friday 星期六: Sat.=Saturday 星期天: Sun.=Sunday


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