

Part I

Listen to the following short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements are true or false. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, 2 points for each statement.

1. On a global scale people killed or injured by violent acts come close to 1. 6 million.

O True

O False

2. The report present information on a variety of areas of personal and social conflict including violence against women in the family.

O True

O False

3. Violence within the family should not be dealt with by the police or the justice departments.

O True

O False

4. Fish is the least energy-efficient because most fossil fuel is required in order to catch some fishes.

O True

O False

5. People should not be alarmed by the deaths caused by violence because they are only a very small part of the problem of violence.

O True

O False

6. There were more people killed in road accidents than those dying of HIV/AIDS worldwide in 2000.

O True

O False

7. Violence brought about by large groups of people or the state is more serious than violence by individuals.

的O True

O False

8. Reducing social inequalities is likely to help to reduce the number of violent crimes.

的O True

O False

9. The victims of violence are not the only ones who suffer the consequence of such behavior.

Q True

D False

10. The media often exaggerate the number of people killed in war.

d True

D False

Part II

Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage.There are ten passages in this part of the test, each with one question, which carries 2 points.

11. France and Italy increased their wine exports to the U. S. a. consumption in their home markets has doubled

b. consumption in their home markets has tripled

c. price of wine in the U. S. has risen sharply in the last 10 years

d. their home markets have reduced

12. Which of the following statement is true?

a, The U. S. has boycott the import of wine from Australia.

b. The U. S. economy is in a boom.

c. The U. S. dollar has reduced in value by 26% against the Australian dollar.

d. Australian wine makers decided to raise the price of their products.

13. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? a. Peugeot Citroen is the second largest carmaker in the world.

b. Peugeot Citroen is the second largest joint-venture in China.

c. Dongfeng Motor is second only to Citroen in their carmaking venture.

d. Peugeot Citroen decided to expand their Chinese factory with their

local partner

14. What is the current capacity of the joint-venture?

a, 300,000. b. 600,000. c. 150,000. d. 307,000.

15. Which of the following statements is true of Aluminum Corp. of China? a. It is the biggest maker of the metal i.n the world.

b. It wanted to increase its production.

c. It wanted to break the world record.

d. It was sold to Alcoa and institutional investors to survive,

16. Which of the following ways can make you an American citizen

a. To be born in America.

b. To secure the right to work in America.

c. To continuousiy live in America for 5 years with no criminal record. d. Either of the above.

17. How much of the company's profits will be used to increase its working capitial?

a. One third.

b. Two thirds.

c. More than half.

d. The exact number or proportion is unknown.

18. How much aluminum does China consume on a yearly basis?

a. 120 million tons.

b. 12 million tons.

c. half a million tons

d. 700,000 tons.

a. is quite unfamiliar to Britons because they don't raise livestock b. can be contagious among animals

c. has cost Britons around $8 billion to slaughter the affected animals d. spread in 2001 because the government knew nothing about the disease

20. According to the international carbon-trading system, a. countries where there is no deforestation might get paid

b. deforestation has nothing to do with the increasing amount of carbon emissions in the


c. countries that release less carbon into the atmosphere can buy "credits" from those releasing more

d. the more carbon a country releases into the atmosphere, the more credits it could get

Part III

Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions.You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions. There are four passagesin this part, each with 5 questions. And each question carries 2 points.

Passage One

21. What did Henry Ford do a hundred years ago?

a. He fell in love with an American girl.

b. He disgraced Jay Gatsby.

c. He started his carmaking business.

d. He staged a party at his home.

a. over 16 million b. 20 million

c. 26 million d. not known from this passage

a. is riding smoothly

b. is preparing to celebrate Ford’s 100th birth party this year

c. is in need of change to get out of the bottom

d. is doomed to failure during competition from abroad

24. What happened to Chrysler in the I990s?

a. It nearly went bankrupt.

b. It merged with naimler-Benz.

c. It was bailed out by the government.

d. It was beaten by Japanese caretakers.

25. What did GM do in I992?

a. It was pushed over edge.

b. It downgraded it credit-rating.

c. It survived another crisis.

d. Its CEO fell ill.

Passage Two

26. When did Mulick began treat autism?

a. In the I970s. b. In the I960s. c. 166 years ago. d. 1,000 years ago.

a. I/I6 b. I/60 c. I/I66 d. I/6

28. What are the popular treatments used by parents to cure autism? a. Dairy or wheat products.

b. National supplements.

c. Special diets.

d. Vitamin C.

29. Why are the fad treatments discussed in tlxe media and on the Internet?

a. Because they are affective.

b. Because they are quite popular.

c. Because many parents can have access to them.

d. Because they have been adequately studied.

30. Which of the following statements about Chelatian therapy is NOT true?

a. It involves taking medicines to remove the heavy metal mercury from the body.

b. It is used years ago as a new treatment against cancer.

c. It has been proven effective.

d. It is dangerous.

Passage Three

31. What did scientists learn about CFCs in the early I970s?

a, It was a health hazard.

b. It causes damage to the skins of humans and animals.

c. It is an ozone-depleting substance.

d. It caused climate changes.

32. How did governments of countries react to this?

· a.They took immediate steps to curb the development.

b. They simply dismissed it off as whimsical thinking of the


c. It took a long time for them to come to an agreement to resolve the issue.

d. They refuse to sign the agreement.

33. The Montreal Protocol declared a. that the use of ozone-depleting substances shall be banned entirely in the developed countries

b. the production of such substances shall be phased out in both the developed and the developing countries

c. the production of such substances shall be transferred to the developing countries

d. it will take 50 years before a complete ban will take effect

34. Without the Protocol,the levels of ozone-depleting a. would have been increased more dramatically today

b. would have subsided gradually

c. would have maintained the level of the 1980s

d. would be hardly noticeable to the world

35. What led to the signing of the Protocol?

a. Wide-spread disease of humans and animals.

b. Scientific evidence and public opinions.

c. Intensive negotiations.

d. The resolve of political leaders of different countries.

Passage Four

36. Which of the statements best describes a cataract?

a. It is a normal part of an eye.

b. It can spread from one eye to another.

c. It has no effect on any normal eye.

d. It blurs vision and prevents the lens from focusing an image on the retina.

a. to remove the eye

b. to replace the eye with an artificial one

c. to remove the clouded lens

d. to wear sun glasses

38. Which is the best time to take out a cataract?

a. After it turns white.

b. No set recommendations.

c. Before it turns white.

d. To have both cataracts removed at the same time.

39. How long does complete healing generally take?

a. Four to six weeks. b. Half a year.

c. At least four to six weeks. D.Four to six days.

40. For people over 64,how often should they take eye exam? a. Every two years.

b. Every half a year

c. Every 6 weeks

d. every other year


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