
respected leaders: thank you for your time reading my zi jianxin! i xxx, male, born in 1986 xxxxxx, who are well on family education, and parents in their words and deeds that i have set a very positive view of life and their values, and know how to live in their own temper. on the x xxxx xxxxxxxxx i was taking, and to choose a suitable learning international economic and trade professionals. i have been studying hard, diligent study, in four years, the academy has given me a full-chi of the united states educational, scientific arrangements for the international trade, international business management, financial accounting, international settlement, marketing, and so on. complete a full course of the four-year period and smoothly through the computer two countries, such as grade four english examination. on the needs of the community and corporate talent requirements. in order to temper themselves, all services in the college, i actively joined the union college group, and served as a squad leader post. in the squad, as a result of my active work, study hard, for the team made their contributions, and achieved certain results, respectively in the may 4 pingyou pingyou semester and be rated as "excellent students." in addition, i completed an independent research institutions, "xxxxxx", and access to experts and professors of the acclaim. freshman, sophomore during the summer vacation in order to develop their own capacity to understand the community. in the "xxx" in the magazines contributors, the editorial department received the unanimous praise. after the century literature, such as literature huanjianshumeng site in the station to write text, which "xxxx," it was nearly 30,000 times clicked on. as a military academy where students i open person qifenhaohua, optimism, self-confidence, a strong sense of responsibility; accept strong, have a strong collective sense of honor and self-motivated. happy to live with the people, and people around the living together harmoniously, with groups in the spirit of human integrity, work responsibilities seriously, to hard-working, have strict shortcomings are character impatient. i hope you will give me a chance to display, i believe i will rise to the work of the companys development of my biggest contribution.


  • 美国大学预科,写好推荐信的注意事项
  • 美国大学预科,写好推荐信的注意事项 每一个申请美国大学预科的同学都需要准备书面的申请材料,其中最最重要的就是申请美国大学预科的推荐信了,现如今这个信息化的时代,又有几个孩子知道如何规范的写推荐信呢?下面乐训教育专家既为大家讲解一下推荐信写作的三点注意事项. 1.主动给推荐人提供自己的详细信息.争取在 ...

  • 申请留学的自荐信如何写及范文
  • 申请留学的自荐信如何写 当你先要留学海外的时候,是不是要懂得把握时机,自我推荐呢? 在申请就读海外院校的过程中,如何准备自荐信和教授推荐信是一件很重要的事情.人在国内,学校在海外,申请者一般都没有面试的机会.你只能通过高质量的自荐信和推荐信来说明并展示自己的能力.对于写好自荐信和推荐信提出如下建议: ...

  • 互联网留学网:英国留学申请推荐信
  • 1)英国留学推荐信写作需要明确的几个方面 据360教育集团介绍:在申请研究生课程时,绝大部分学校都要求申请人提交2-3份推荐信,通常称为Recommendation Letter或Reference(多见于英国).录取委员会除了注重申请人呈现出的主观上的自己,还想借着推荐者的文字描述了解申请人客观的 ...

  • 出国留学推荐信格式
  • 出国留学推荐信格式 往国外留学出国留学推荐信格式,国外的学院有很多,一些学生和家长不知道怎么选择,这下来为大家推荐一些国外出国留学推荐信格式的相关信息. 出国留学推荐信格式 出国留学推荐信信封的格式 1)写信人的姓名.地址写在信封正面的左上角. 2)收信人的姓名.地址写在信封正面中心稍偏右的地方. ...

  • 怎么样写出国留学推荐信
  • 怎么样写出国留学推荐信 推荐信很可能是申请过程中最容易被忽视.也最没有得到充分利用的申请手段.推荐信在整个申请过程中起着至关重要的作用,它是申请者自我推销战略的一个关键部分,通过推荐信从认识申请人的第三者立场了解申请人的特点是录取过程中非常重要的一个环节.一封好的推荐信能够通过列举具有启发性的事例或 ...

  • 推荐信信纸大小
  • 标准的出国留学推荐信包括下面几个部分:信头,称呼,联系方式和日期,正文,落款和签 名.下面天道小编带你看看美国留学推荐信的标准格式以及各个部分都需要放什么: 推荐信的称呼可以用 dear sir/madam,dear admission officer,dear colleague(要 求你的推荐人 ...

  • 如何办理自费出国留学手续
  • 如何办理自费出国留学手续? 办理自费出国留学手续,是一项严肃.认真.繁杂的操作过程,必须在一定时间内,按照一定的步骤完成一定的程序.完成整个程序,即办完全部留学手续,大约需要4个月到1年的时间,具体手续如下: 1. 选定留学目的院校 2. 报名申请登记,填写留学申请表 3. 提供相关材料与证明 4. ...

  • 英语推荐信范文
  • dear sir: sincerely yours, chung weikuo research fellow and professor the institute of european and american studies 第二部分.对该推荐信的分析您觉得这封推荐信怎样呢?如果这是一封为秘 ...

  • 美国留学:本科留学申请规划
  • 美国留学:本科留学申请规划 提到出国留学,美国想必是不少学生和家长的第一选择.而在出国潮越来越热的今天,留学申请的流程想必大家已经有所了解,但为什么每年总有一些意外状况出现?一份合理的留学规划对于大家顺利拿到录取来说必不可少.在此,为大家介绍何如制定一份合理的留学规划. 留学专家介绍,所谓留学规划, ...

  • 美国本科留学规划必须包括这些!
  • 美国本科留学规划必须包括这些! 准备美国本科申请,我们就必须要制定一份美国本科留学规划方式,美国本科留学规划包括哪些呢?天道留学小编为了帮助去美国本科留学的同学,下面为大家介绍下美国本科留学规划所包含的内容,供大家参考. 下面就是天道留学小编为准备美国本科申请的同学分享的美国本科留学规划方案,希望对 ...

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