
八年级英语培优练习 Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1. It’s difficult to solve the problem. Do you have any good ideas to _______ with us? A. agree B. share C. come D. live

( )2. —You are standing too near to the TV. Can you move a bit _______? —OK, Mom. Is it all right here? A. faster B. slower C. farther D. nearer

( )3. The rivers in the countryside are cleaner than _______ in the city. A. this B. that C. these D. those ( )4. Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it _______. A. dry B. open C. quiet D. clean ( )5. There were _______ animals in the forest many years ago. A. thousand of B. thousands of C. three thousand of D. three thousands of ( )6. Of the two boys, Tom is _______. A. tall B. the taller C. tallest D. the tallest

( )7. Blue whales are the largest and heaviest animals in the world, but they _______

the smallest sea animals.

A. feed in B. live in C. feed on D. fed on

( )8. —Zhou Fang, can you finish your homework better with _______ time? —I think I can. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less ( )9. As we know, water is very important _______ us. A. of B. to C. on D. with ( )10. —What do you think of this film? —Wonderful! No film is _______. A. good B. well C. better D. best

( )11. —Kangkang, I _______ my pen. Could you please lend me yours? —I’m afraid I can’t. Mine is _______, too. A. lost; lost B. missing; missing C. lost; missing D. missing; lost

( )12. —The old woman lost the hope of life because her two sons lost their lives in the


—She should cheer up. A dead heart is much _______ than sadness. A. terrible B. more terrible C. most terrible D. the most terrible ( )13. —Is everyone out of the fire? —No, _______ two are still in the burning house. A. another B. other C. the other D. others ( )14. —Jack _______ his job last week. Do you know why? —Because he was always late for work. A. found B. lost C. loved D. disliked

( )15. —What you said is very good. Do you have _______ else to say?

—_______ more. A. something; Anything B. anything; Something C. anything; Nothing D. nothing; Anything

( )16. —An earthquake struck Yushu yesterday. Did you _______ it? —Yes. I _______ it killed many people. That’s too terrible.

A. hear; hear B. hear of; hear of C. hear; hear of D. hear of; hear

( )17. —I will thank Mr. Wang. I couldn’t pass the last exam _______ his help. —You’re right. A. without B. with C. for D. under ( )18. —The family is too poor _______ the child to school. —What a pity! A. send B. sending C. to send D. sent

( )19. Look! The people _______ their homes after the earthquake. I think they _______

to normal life very soon.

A. are rebuilding; are returning B. are returning; are rebuilding C. will return; are rebuilding D. are rebuilding; will return ( )20. —_______ heads means No in China but Yes in India.

—Sounds interesting.

A. Shaking B. Moving C. Hitting D. Washing Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)

在下列横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。 —Hello! Kangkang! 1. —Hi, Xiao Lei! I’m going to the post office. —2.

—I’m going to send some clothes and books to the students in Wenchuan. —You’re really warm-hearted. 3.

—No, they can’t. Their school buildings fell down and the government (政府) is rebuilding

schools for them.

—It’s good news. I hope they can go to school early.

—4. Oh, what about you? What will you do for the students there to

show your love?


—Money? That’s good. Shall we go to the post office together? —Good idea. Let’s go! Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

We often say that lions and tigers are kings of animals. They’re the best hunters (猎手) and they’re at the top (顶端) of the food chain (链) on land. But the best hunters in the sea are sharks. Sharks are bigger and swim 16 faster than other sea animals. They have wide mouths and sharp (锋利的) 17 . They are at the top of the sea food chain.

What’s at the top of the world’s food chain? Human beings (人类)! We’re not strong, but we’re the 18 . We can’t run fast, but we 19 cars; We can’t fight better, but we invented guns (枪),…. Many inventions are useful to us. 20 , they’re also harmful. People ask the 21 for too much. For example, we ask for food, wood, fur and so on. As a result, forests are becoming smaller and smaller. Rivers are dirty and some animals are in danger of 22 out….

Don’t forget that we’re part of the food chain. We should leave enough 23 for

animals to live in. We should do something to stop people from 24 animals. We must know that protecting animals is just to protect 25 . ( )16. A. very B. much C. quite D. too ( )17. A. knives B. feet C. teeth D. eyes ( )18. A. cleverest B. fastest C. strongest D. slowest ( )19. A. bought B. brought C. took D. invented ( )20. A. Or B. However C. Then D. So ( )21. A. nature B. forests C. animals D. society ( )22. A. eating B. dying C. selling D. finding ( )23. A. place B. room C. food D. trees ( )24. A. killing B. feeding C. eating D. keeping ( )25. A. itself B. themselves C. yourselves D. ourselves vi. 完形填空。(10分) Fire is dangerous. What should we do to protect ourselves from The following is some

( )17. A. grow B. blow C. light D. control

( )18. A. smoke B. fire C. sound D. call

( )19. A. lift B. plans C. time D. floor

( )20. A. where B. how C. what D. when

( )21. A. doors B. windows C. desks D. furniture

( )22. A. Always B. Usually C. Often D. Never

( )23. A. far B. long C. short D. close

( )24. A. Running B. Watering C. Rolling D. Covering

( )25. A. like B. break C. follow D. close

VII. 词汇。(10分)


1. People can enjoy n_______ in the countryside. The air is fresher and the sky is bluer there.

2. She c_______ the table with a cloth yesterday.

3. Many animals are in danger. We must do something to p_______ them.

4. Thousands of rivers go into the s_______ at last. 5. Thousands of old trees were in the f_______ ten years ago, but now there are few. 6. The boy didn’t go to bed last night, he played the computer games the w_______ night. 7. A_______ and people are like water and fish. 8. After receiving my e-mail, Li Lei s_______ an e-mail back to me yesterday. 9. I passed the l_______ of 4 English test last year. 10. We should call 119 for help at once when a f_______ happens. (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。 1. These plants float on the _______ (表面) of the water. 2. My grandparents keep a lot of _______ (绵羊) in the countryside. 3. The fox usually _______ (以……为食) meat.

4. The teacher had no _______ (控制) over the children.

5. The rivers in the countryside are much _______ (清澈) than those in the cities. 6. No one knows clearly when the next _______ (地震) will happen. 7. I bought a mobile _______ (电话) for the old for my father on his seventieth birthday. 8. Many students can’t see the blackboard clearly because a tall boy sits in the _______

(中间) of the classroom. 9. The first thing we should do is to _______ (保持) calm when an earthquake happens. 10. We should learn something to _______ (保护) ourselves from a fire. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The beauty looks much _______ (thin) than the fat girl, but the fatter girl looks healthier. 2. The baby stopped crying as soon as his young mother _______ (feed) him. 3. It’s easy for people to be ill to live in _______ (wet) places. 4. The hens on the farm _______ (die) last week because of some kind of disease. 5. We must do something to protect the animals from _______ (dangerous). 6. Many parents found their _______ (miss) children with the help of CCTV1. 7. Everything will go on after _______ (sad). 8. He was so thankful to me that he _______ (shake) my hands without saying a word. 9. After _______ (check) me over carefully, the doctor told me that it was nothing serious. 10. Our teacher Mr. Wang often cheer us on,“Work hard and a brighter future will _______ (appear) in front of you!”.


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