



1.A brief

summary of this


2.Book review of

Pride and


Summary of my college life Each coin has two sides. On the one hand, I’m quite satisfied with my college life, cause I have met lots of totally different characteristic people and many excellent teachers. On the other hand, life can’t always be as satisfied as we expected. For there is still something makes me feel depressed.

Firstly, I want to write something about the bright side. What makes me feel happy is that I had met an excellent teacher. She is kind, friendly and knowledgeable and she is the most enlightened teacher that I have ever met. At this semester she invited us to her house, letting us to cook the meal by ourselves, for she think it is a good opportunity for us to learn cooking and it is a useful way for us to communicate with each other. Of course it does work. Since then, I felt the wall between us suddenly collapsed, besides I really regret that I haven’t done nothing for the class. Her amazing still lies in the constructive suggestion she had gave to us. She is a respectable teacher in my heart. In this semester, there was an test, TEM4, which is important for our English major. Just like other classmates, I got up early in the morning, did the morning reading and went to the classroom to study by myself. It’s deliciously tired cause I’ve learned a lot from the books. Those days were really meaningful to me.

While there comes the dark side. The saddest thing is that I broke up with my boyfriend who had companied with me five years. I know it can’t be so important for me to write it in the essay but I think it also is a kind of experience in my life. The first few days, I felt very depressed and grieved and I wanted to do nothing but sleep. After chatting with my best friend about this, she comforted and encouraged me, therefore I began to step out of that period. I think I can’t be sad and I still have much more important things to do. Now I become stronger than before.

After entering college, to my surprise, that differences between high school life and college are great. In high school, we always depend on our parents and teachers to solve all kinds of problems. At college, however, we have to rely exclusively on ourselves. So we need learn how to arrange time and make plans. In my spare time, I still use the computer to watch TV series or hang around on the TaoBao. The junior is coming means I get closer to the society. I must equip myself with all kinds of skills and abundant knowledge.

Forget about the future, what I should at present is to cherish. The friends we met at college are the purest and sincerest. The friendship is valuable and I will try my best to protect it. Not only the friendship, I also need to cherish the most beautiful time in my life. It ‘s the best chance for me to seize to fulfill my crazy ideas. May

what comes, I will not easily give up. Before the tough I can be tougher!

Book review of Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is written by Jane Austen(1775-1817), born in a rural town named Steve Burton. There are six brothers and on sister in her family. She did not go to regular school but she gained good family education. The main learning material is her father’s literary books. Her main works includes Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma and Persuasion, etc. The latest survey in England shows that the ideal man making appointments with in women’s eyes is Mr.Darcy. However, her marriage is unfortunate. In 1796, at the age of 20, Jane fell in love with a Irish man, Tom Lefroy, who was a poor young man and had to depend on his uncle to get through. Then they broke up later. Several years later, Tom became a famous lawyer and got married with another woman, then he named his eldest daughter Jane. However Jane refused all men’s pursuit and never got married through her lifetime.

Love is an eternal theme in literature. In Pride and Prejudice, love stories are the main point. She describes four different marriages. By comparing these eight people’s characters and their four marriage, we can understand Austen’s view of love and it also makes me form a new view of love.

Pride and prejudice are tow weakness in our personal qualities.

Some people think they have money, they become pride, while some people who are self-centered, they become prejudice to others. Elizabeth and Darcy couldn’t avoid them either. Darcy is a rich, handsome young man and used to be proud because his father provide him a wealthy and comfortable life. So he thinks that he has the capacity to be proud. Even when he was deeply impressed by a beautiful girl on the county ball, he didn’t give up his proud tone and proud manner, which made a bad impression on Elizabeth, a wise and beautiful girl and who always has her own opinions. When she unintentionally heard Darcy’s comments on her, then in the course of nature, she began to have prejudice on him. Due to the first bad impression, she was easily convinced by the Wickhan’s evil words and misunderstood Darcy. True can’t be beaten easily. Darcy finally fought against the judgment, the family expectation and the inferiority of Elizabeth’s birth and rank, at last, he confess his love to Elizabeth but he was refused. At that time, he knew the prejudice and misunderstanding from her then he wrote a letter to her let her know the truth. At last, all the things solved and they got married without pride and prejudice.

From their marriage, I realize that it’s stupid to judge a person just by the first impression. Besides I learn that pride sometimes makes you far away from others. Fortunately, they didn’t miss each other

completely. Their love is romantic and realistic. However, in many cases, the marriage is not the result of love but status and money. Just like the first sentence said in the book:“ It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” For instance, the marriage between Charlotte Lucas and Mr.Collins, we found that their marriage totally dependent on the position, money and the background. She married him although she shared no common interests with him. Their marriage represents most of marriage of that time.

In this book, what impresses me most not only the romantic love but the love from the Elizabeth’s father. When Collins ask her mother to marry Elizabeth without love, in order to protect their home her mother pushed her to marry him. Undoubtly, Elizabeth refused for her father gave her much support. At the end when Elizabeth decide to marry Darcy, her father said“We all know him to be a proud unpleasant sort of fellow. But this would be nothing if you liked him.” From those words, I can feel the great love from father. When I made the vital important decision, father gives me great energy and he always backs me up.

Though much marriage is the result of money, I still believe there’s true love in the world. As for me, I will choose the man for love not the one just for money but we have nothing in common. Besides my

father always and forever is my hero, he taught me what brave is and what adamancy is. I always regret that I didn’t spend much time with him now I have no chance to accompany with him anymore. What I can do now is just take good after of myself and my mother. Nothing can beat me. Love is the best medicine to all kinds of pain and it is the best way to encourage me to go forward. With the love of my parents, I will get the future which I hope to get.


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