

开头段: It is accepted that(人们通常认为) …. plays(发挥,扮演) a significant part for … , and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However , whether … deserves such an attention , people’s 3、“随着... 的快速增长,... 在日常生活中已经变得越来越重要。”

Along with the rapid growth of ...,...has become increasingly important(越来越的另一种表达,不再用more and more important ) in our daily life. ideas vary. 中间段:

On the one hand, some people hold the view that ….. (some 可以换成 a litter , a number of ; people可以换成young man, 一方面是增加字数,另一方面就是要换掉常用简单词汇,避免some,people.many 等的大量使用) On the other hand, a great many (或a host of 许多) people insist \ maintain \ deem\hold the view that …. 或者:

First and firemost ….. In addition….. Consequently ….. Last but not least…..

结尾段: From my perspective, however…. (你的观点) . Therefore, it’s time that (措施之类的) 开头句型

1、“如今,人们普遍认为..., 但是我怀疑... 。”

Nowadays ,it is generally/commonly believed that..., but I wonder that...

2、“近来,... 的问题已经成为人们注目的焦点。”

Currently, the issue of ...has been brought to public attention.


1、“因此,不难得出结论... ”

Accordingly/Consequently/As a result, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that...

2、“综上所述,我们能得出如下结论... ”

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that...

3、“这一难题,是任何人都不可能避免的。但只要处理得当,我们就会... ” The dilemma(窘境,困难) is something no one can avoid. Properly handled, however, we will...

4、“总之,全社会都应该密切关注..., 只有这样我们才能... ”

All in all, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of .... Only in this way can we....

5、“考虑到所有的因素,我们意识到... ”

Taking into account all of these factors, we have reached the realization that...


1) From the figures/statistics given in the table it can be seen/noticed that...

2) From the graph/table/diagram/chart above, we can see that...obviously.


另外,还有,再者: Besides , furthermore , What’s more, In addition; 除此之外:Apart from that: 例:Apart from that, all goes well; 毫无疑问: It is no doubt that;undoubtedly 讽刺的:ironically

应该:be supposed to , ought to(别用should 了)

在他们看来:in their esteem(意见,看法,评价) , for their part, in their view; 必要的,很重要的:essential : 例:It is essential that we act quickly; 阻碍,妨碍:hinder ;

合法的 \ 非法的:legal \ illegal ; 重要性:significance ;

随着…:along with , in the wake of

首先: First of all / to begin with / above all; 总之、总的来说:To sum up / in summary / generally; 因此: consequently , accordingly ,therefore ;

很多的,大量的:loads of , a large sum of , a great deal of , a multitude of ; 在我看来:Form my perspective , as far as I'm concerned; 不可避免:inevitable , unavoidable 例: it’s inevitable that 沮丧的:gloomy ;

不利的,有害的: detrimental : 例:The measures had a detrimental effect 棘手的: thorny : 棘手的问题:it ’s a thorny problem that 严重的,严峻的: grave , severe 例:A severe problem occurs that …… 认为:insist , maintain ,deem ,argue ,regard …as …,hold the view that 迷失,陷入:be lost in…… 很:quite (尽量别用very ) 镇压,压制:suppress

只要: as long as 奢侈的:luxurious 方便的:convenient

浪费:waste 节约:economize, save 流行的:prevalent, fashionable(少用popular ) 包含,包括:include, contain

组成:sth be composed of sth(必须用被动结构),sth be made up of sth(必须用被动结构),sth consist of sth(主动结构) 建设:build, construct 建立,构成,组成:constitute 和谐的:harmony ,harmonious

风景,景色:scenery 场景:scene 风景画:landscape 唯一的:uniquue 延迟:delay


支持者:supporters 反对者:opponents 隐私:privacy

产生一些问题:give rise to (或produce/bring) a multitude of problems 表示,被认为:be regarded as 注意做……:pay attention to do

表示, 表明,反映:refer, mean, describe, reflect…… 说明,表示:illustrate, demonstrate, manifest 证明: prove , testify ,demonstrate

永远的,永恒的,永久的:permanent, permanently(副词) 普通的:ordinary, common

日常的:daily, everyday

成绩:score , mark , achievement 等级:grades 增数词:

Should -> be supposed to , ought to people->young man

some ->loads of , a large sum of , a great deal of , a multitude of 产生:give rise to some problems 越来越多的人:people in growing number That is to say 也就是说……

To be more specific g更具体地说……

However, therefore, In addition , apart form that

中国传统节日: 元旦: New Year's Day; 春节: the Spring Festival; 元宵节: the Lantern Festival; 清明节: Ching Ming Festival; 端午节: the Dragon Boat Festival; 中秋节: Mid-autumn Festival; 重阳节: Double-ninth Day; 除夕: New Year's Eve;


January February March April May June July August September October November December


1)The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable (有利的)position in the future job markets. 大多数学生认为,兼职可以为他们提供更多的机会去锻炼人际交往能力,这样可以在找工作时更有竞争力

2)For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment 。对大多数人来说, 阅读或学习一项新技能已成为他们生活的中心和他们的幸福和满足的源泉。

3)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.

一点一滴,我们的知识变得丰富,视野得以拓展。 4)For people who want to adopt (adopt 收养,采取 adapt 是改编,改变……以适应)a healthy and meaningful life style, it is essential to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.

对于想过一种有意义的人来说,抽空学习一门新技术很重要 , 5) Sth can produce positive effects on ….什么东西可带来好影响 Sth may bring about negative impacts on …什么东西可带来不好的影响

6) By taking a major-related(专业相关的) part-time job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience which they will never be able to get from the textbooks. 通过做一份和专业相关的工作, 学生不仅能够提高他们的学术研究,而且能获得更多的经验,这些经验他们将永远无法得到的教科书。

7) Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities. 现在越来越多的人开始相信学习新荒技术和知识能直接帮助他们获得工作机会或提升的机会。

8) In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. 鉴于问题的严重性,必须采取有效措施,事态进一步恶化之前。

9) In the wake of developments in science and technology , loads of social problems have cropped up(突然出现). 随着科学技术的发展,大量社会问题已经涌现出来了.


1、缺水问题已经非常严重 2、产生此问题的原因 3、你的看法 On Water Shortage

No one can deny the fact that water shortage is a grave problem (严肃的问题) with which the whole world is confronted(面对). Actually, it has become so widespread (普遍的) that it has severely (严格的,严重的) affected people's daily life and hindered (阻碍)the development of the global economy.

A number of (许多的) factors could account for(解释—的原因) the problem, but the following might be the critical(关键性的)ones. Firstly,the ever-increasing (不断增长的) population is a leading(首要的) cause of water shortage. As populations increase, the demand for water grows accordingly (相应地). secondly, people everywhere waste water without

even realizing it(毫无意识的): showers last too long, taps are left running and so forth. Last but not least(最后但并不是最重要的是), the industrial production will cause water contamination (污染)and it will also decrease the existing water resources (现有的水资源)further more(更一步地). In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. For one thing, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced (制定和执行) impose a heavy penalty (沉重的处罚) on those who waste or contaminate(污染= pollute) waster deliberately (故意地). Secondly, a large-scale education campaign(运动) should be launched to inform the public of the significance of economizing (节约) onwater. With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that this problem can be perfectly solved in the near future .


图表作文(写作时的时态选择一般选用过去时ed ): (三段式1——说明、描述现有的问题、现象)

(空两个写)As is clearly reflected(反应) in the column chart(柱状表格,有时也是table,figure,graph ) , there were (一般为过去时)distinguished constrasts between…… A ……, By contrast , B……

或者:What is clearly presented in the above table is statistics(统计数据) of ……


There are several reasons which account for such changes.

First and firemost …..,In addition …..,Consequently …..,Last but not least …..

(三段式3——做出总结或者提出自己的观点) From my perspective, however…. (你的观点)

或者:With the acceleration(加速) of global economic development, such 民间传统工艺:the traditional folk craft work. 不可代替的:has an irreplaceable role in……

是…的象征:is symbolization of / symbolizate sth 得到进一步地发展: get futher development 随着时间的流逝:as time goes by, 直到近几年:until recent years

established tread(已经形成的,已经建立的趋势) will surely continue(继续的) in the upcoming years(在接下来的几年里). On the one thing, ……, On the other ,……

Thus, due importance (适当的重要性)should be attached(系上,附上) to these problems and precantious(预防措施,警惕) should be taken.

看图作文(写作时的时态一般选用现在时+s): The cartoon above vividly depicts ……

Undoubtedly, ……, For example , ……,In addition,…… To sum up, only by hard work can we…… 翻译:

千:thousand 百万:million 十亿:billion

具有4000多年历史:sth has a history of more than 4000 years. 中国传统文化: Chinese(大写) traditional culture 历史悠久:enjoys a long history

起源于:originate form…… 来源于:result form 继承: inherit 被誉为:have been praised as……

闻名世界:is well-know throughout the worldwide 追溯到古时候:can date back to ancient times.

团结,友谊,和平,温暖,爱情:reunion, friendship, peace, warmth, love 从公元前4000年开始:starting around 4000 B.C。 (公元前: B.C ) 公元6世纪:in 6 A.D 。(公元:A.D )

直到17到18世纪:until the 17th and 18th centuries.

关于它的起源有各种各样的说法:hava many versions of how they originated have emerged。

纸的发明对世界文化和国际交流是一个重大的贡献:The invention of paper marking is a great contribution to the world’s cultural development and international communication.

中国南方:the Southern China(两个都是大写) 中国北方:the Northern China

英,法,德,意,澳,巴西:England, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Brazil 朝代:Dynasty

长城被列为世界八大奇迹:The Great Wall is listed as one of the Eight Wonders of the world.

中国被认为是四大文明古国:China is recognized as one of the four great ancient civilizations.

中华民族的传统文化博大精深,源远流长:The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound ,can be dated back to ancient times.


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