



【英文摘要】”The Elementary Education Curriculum Reform Summary (Implementation)” proposed explicitly the concept “the curriculum resources” as well as “to safeguard and promote the curriculum to the different areas, schools and students’request, carry on the country, the local and the school three levels of curricula management. “ The highly effective construction of curriculum resources is the important safeguard to realize the goal of curriculum.

However,as for most teachers in our country, they seldom

contact the concept of curriculum resources, and know little about the curriculum resources’ connotation and value, let alone the construction of the curriculum resources.With the new round elementary education curriculum reform’s advancement, the local, the schools and the teachers have carried on the positive beneficial exploration and attempt to the development and use of curriculum resources under the instruction of local curriculum theory. But generally speaking, local curriculum resources’ development was limited to the theory conception, the research and use towards local curriculum resources’ development on the concrete discipline is few, the research of local curriculum resource management aspect is even

deficient.Therefore,based on the research of the predecessors’ studies,taking Yizhou,Guangxi,where I am working, as an

example. From the visual angle of front-line teachers, I did some research on the local curriculum resource construction for the senior high school.These research.methods are mainly used in the article:the literature analytic method, the

investigation methodology, the classroom method of inspection and the logical induction method.This text is divided into three parts:In the first part, I have made the outline to the

politics of the local curriculum resources and given some definitions of the curriculum resources, the politics

curriculum resources, the local curriculum resources and the politics local curriculum resources and so on. I have also explained the category of the politics local curriculum

resources for senior high school.Meanwhile,I have analyzed the character of the politics curriculum resources for the senior high school and the politics local curriculum resources for the senior high school, as well as the necessity and importance of the local curriculum resource construction for the senior high school. In the second part,I have introduced the general

situation of politics local curriculum resources in senior high school of Yizhou, Guangxi.It is rich in historical resources, natural resources, cultural resources, economical resources and so on.Having investigated and analysed the present situation of the politics local curriculum resources

construction in senior middle school of Yizhou, Guangxi.I pointed out the problems of the politics local curriculum resources construction in senior middle school of Yizhou, Guangxi.The teachers’ consciousness is weak and the ability is deficient in developing the curriculum resources, the

development of the curriculum resources lacks the local and

specialized character, also the systematic and sustained

characters.I have analyzed the causes and pointed out the most urgent problems in developing and using the local curriculum resources.In the third part, I elaborated the basic

principles,the basic strategy and the way of the politics local curriculum resources construction in senior high school of Yizhou, Guangxi.I also emphasized that the local curriculum resources construction must follow the principles including distinctive quality, the instructiveness, openness, the

effectiveness, independence and the resources sharing,From the view of curriculum resources, the development of human resources, the conformity and screening of curriculum resources, the development and management of curriculum resources and so on, I instructed its basic strategy,and pointed out the necessity and importance of the local curriculum resource construction for the senior high

school.The teacher must improve their specialized attainments and skills.All teachers in different schools must communicate and cooperate to make a plan for guiding the development of curriculum resources, strengthening comprehensive activities and establishing the local politics curriculum resources storehouse.

【关键词】高中思想政治 课程资源 地方课程资源

【英文关键词】Politics in Senir high school

Curriculum resources Local curriculum resources



8-9ABSTRACT5-61. 问题的提出

9-128一、引言8-14中文摘要(一) 选题缘由8-9(二) 2. 选题的意义本选题相关研究综述



般含义1412-14(三) 本文的研究思路、研究重点及二、思想政治地方课程资源概述14-151. 课程资源的一14-153. 地方(一) 相关概念的界定2. 思想政治课程资源的内涵








查25-2915-17(二) 高中思想政治地(三) 高中思想政治课程资源的特点(四) 高中思想政治地方课程资源的特点(五) 高中思想政治地方课程资源建设的必要性和重要三、宜州市高中思想政治地方课程资源建设的情况调22-31(一) 宜州市高中思想政治地方课程资源概况(二) 宜州市高中思想政治地方课程资源建设的情况调(三) 宜州市高中思想政治地方课程资源建设中存在



31-32(一) 宜州市高中思想(二) 宜州市高中思想政

32-411. 宜州市高中的主要问题分析29-31建设的原则及其基本策略和途径政治地方课程资源建设的原则治地方课程资源建设的基本策略与途径

思想政治地方课程资源建设的基本策略32-372. 宜州市高中


附录1: 高中


录2: 对学生的访问提纲46-47



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