

——The Tudor Dynasty


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During the Tudor Dynasty, the feudal production relation collapsed with the development of productive forces. Traditional military organization lost its economic basis. At that time, England had a military revolution, and the war increased military expenditure. Under the pressure of war, the Tudor monarchy required the parliamentary approval of taxes. The Tudor monarchy took war as an excuse, increased authority in the secular and spiritual fields by increasing revenue, and finally strengthened the throne. The year 1485 is commonly accepted today as the beginning of a new historical era. Middle Ages ended in 1485, when the Wars of the Roses were over and the house of Tudor ascended the throne in the person of King Henry VII .The Tudor family ruled English from 1485 to 1603. It was notable state with an efficient centralized government. The Tudor Monarchy, being in the transitional stage form feudalism to capitalism, witnessed many important political, economic and social changes. It reformed church in English. The Tudor also stimulated English commercial and maritime enterprise, under them English rose commercial and maritime enterprise, under them England rose to one of its highest points of power and influence.

During the Tudor period, two things happened in England: first, Protestantism after a violent struggle replacing the Catholicism, away from the old prison; second, the British left Shanghai on outspread road. The two things made the British Empire step towards.

Through the ages, the Church in Europe gathered wealth and power that attracted the jealousy of king. The rules of English, safe in their island, used the Church of the middle Ages had not a religious body, but a political and legal power. The Church was almost an upper-state organization. Reform the economic reason that the church was very rich and controlled large tracts of land granted by kings or barons who want to

buy open the gate to Heaven.

Under this circumstance, King Herry VIII launched reform of religion in the 16th century. The reform began as a struggle for divorce. In 1534, the Congress passed the Supremacy Act. The law declared king as the supreme head of England. Henry VIII's reform stressed the power of the monarch and strengthened his position. England was moving away from Catholicism towards Protestantism.

Known for his important role in the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church, Herry VIII was a significant figure in the history of the English monarchy. He united England as an independent country. Henry was an attractive man in his prime, educated and accomplished. He was provided with an excellent education, becoming fluent in French, Latin, and Spanish. He reformed the national government agencies comprehensively. The foreign policy of balancing act ensured political and economic interests of England. He was the one that made England become a centralized modern state. With unprecedented rights, Herry VIII created conditions for the further development of capitalist of England.

Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor Dynasty. In her rule ,the biggest threat was the Spanish Armada. In the mid-1580s, war with Spain could no longer be avoided. On 12 July 1588, the Spanish Armada, a great fleet of ships, set sail for the channel, planning to ferry a Spanish invasion force under the Duke of Parma to the coast of southeast England from the Netherlands. However, misfortunately, they met a bad weather, and an attack of English fire ships on 29 July which separated the Spanish ships to the northeast. The British defeated the Spanish Armada. When no invasion came, the nation celebrated.

The failure of the Armada was a great victory both for Elizabeth and for Protestant England. It provided strong protection to overseas trades and colonial plunders of England. An element of piracy and self-enrichment drove Elizabethan seafarers, over which the queen had little control. Great efforts was made to develop overseas business, to encourage the development of the shipbuilding industry. The dynasty promoted Britain to the world. The British Empire became the supreme founder of the Sea, the English Reformation in calm and a firm advocate of national unity. During

this period, England to become one of the most powerful countries in Europe.

Elizabeth not only successfully maintained the unity of England, and after nearly half a century of domination, England reached a peak in English history. She was the founder of the Golden Age. She made a great contribution for the British.

As Queen, Elizabeth had defeated Spain’s all-powerful Armada, as the woman that she gives up the joy of the body and become a complete well-being of women.

In short, The Tudor Monarchy was full of tremendous changes. All these changes were favorable to the development of capitalism, and through the changes the state was becoming mature politically. The day when the England would take over political power was not far off. From humble beginnings in the service of the princes, the Tudor family rose steadily to royal stock. Throughout the dynasty, each for the King has made a lot of contributions.


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