

○ Fill out the form in English language and sign it with your signature. ○ Attach a photo taken within the last 6 months.

○ Submission of additional documents may be requested, after the application is completed. ○ The visa issuance may be denied after the screening of the application.

○ Applicants shall notify the competent Korean embassy if there is a material change after the application is lodged or a visa has been issued.

○ If you obtain a new passport after a visa has been issued, you should transfer the visa onto a new passport before departure.

○ If you have a history of breaking the immigration law in foreign countries, you should submit the details of it with the application.

Write down the number of the Confirmation of Visa Issuance, if applicable.

1~2. Write down the name as printed in your passport. Surname is last name and given name is first name. 3. If you have the Chinese character name, write down in Chinese character. ※ Only for people from countries that use chinese character. 4. To mark your gender, check a bracket below.

5. Write down the date of birth in the order of date, month, and year. 6. Write down your nationality.

7. Write down the name of the country you were born in.

8.~11. Write down your address, phone number, mobile phone number and email in your home country. 13.~17. Write down the type of your passport (see your passport) and draw a circle around the appropriate one.

※ DP(Diplomatic Passport), OF(Official Passport), OR(Ordinary Passport)

18.∼20. Write down your occupation and the phone numberㆍnameㆍaddress of your company. 21.~25. Write down personal data of your spouse, if you are married. 29. Write down how many times you have visited Korea.

30.~31. Write down the address and phone number of a place you are going to stay after arriving in Korea. If they are undecided, write down "undecided."

32. Write down who will bear the cost of your stay in Korea. (name, relation)

34. If you are a spouse or a child under the age of 20 of a person who holds the visa status of Culture and Art(D-1), Student(D-2), General Training(D-4) through Particular Occupation(E-7), fill these blanks.

35. Write down the name of person who sponsors your visa. ※ A sponsor may be a non-korean.


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