

Maslow's hierarchy of needs


Abraham Maslow's work was profound and monumental; his book Motivation and Psychologystarted a philosophical revolution out of which grew humanistic

psychology. This changed the view of human nature from a negative point of view - man is a conditioned or tension reducing organism- to a more positive view in which man is motivated to realize his full potential. This is reflected in his hierarchy of needs and in his theory of Self-actualization.[citation needed]


The term was later used by Abraham Maslow in his article, A Theory of Human Motivation, Maslow explicitly defines self-actualization to be "the desire for

self-fulfillment, namely the tendency for him [the individual] to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming."[5] Maslow used the term self-actualization to describe a desire, not a driving force, that could lead to realizing one's capabilities. Maslow did not feel that self-actualization determined one's life; rather, he felt that it gave the individual a desire, or motivation to achieve budding ambitions.[6] Maslow's usage of the term is now popular in modern psychology when discussing personality from the humanistic approach. 该术语在后期被马斯洛引用在《人类动机理论》中,他直言不讳地定义“自我实现”为“达成自我愿望,也就是说他(作为个体)的实现自我潜能的倾向。该倾向可被释为一种使自己愈发成为自己的欲望、成为任何自己有可能成为的(事物)”。马斯洛用该术语描述一种欲望而不是驱动力,这种欲望引导个体实现自己的各种


A basic definition from a typical college textbook defines self-actualization according to Maslow simply as "the full realization of one's potential".[6]


A more explicit definition of self-actualization according to Maslow is "intrinsic

growth of what is already in the organism, or more accurately of what is the organism itself...self-actualization is growth-motivated rather than deficiency-motivated."[7] This explanation emphasizes the fact that self-actualization cannot normally be reached until other lower order necessities of Maslow's hierarchy of needs are

satisfied. While Goldstein defined self-actualization as a driving force, Maslow uses the term to describe personal growth that takes place once lower order needs have been met, one corollary being that, in his opinion, "self-actualisation...rarely

happens...certainly in less than 1% of the adult population."[8] The fact that "most of us function most of the time on a level lower than that of self-actualization" he called the psychopathology of normality.[9]


Maslow considered self-actualizing people to possess "an unusual ability to detect the spurious, the fake, and the dishonest in personality, and in general to judge the people correctly and efficiently."[10]



Maslow based his theory partially on his own assumptions about human potential and partially on his case studies of historical figures whom he believed to be

self-actualized, including Albert Einstein and Henry David Thoreau. Maslow

examined the lives of each of these people in order to assess the common qualities that led each to be to become self-actualized. In general he found that these

individuals were very accepting of themselves and of their life circumstances; were focused on finding solutions to cultural problems rather than to personal problems; were open to others' opinions and ideas; had strong senses of privacy, autonomy, human values and appreciation of life; and a few intimate friendships rather than many superficial ones.[11]


Maslow's Characteristics of Self-Actualizers


A self-actualizer is a person who is living creatively and fully using his or her potentials. In his studies, Maslow found that self-actualizers share similarities.

Whether famous or unknown, educated or not, rich or poor, self-actualizers tend to fit the following profile.[12]


Efficient perceptions of reality. Self-actualizers are able to judge situations correctly and honestly. They are very sensitive to the fake and dishonest.

对现实的高效感知。 “自我实现者”有能力对现实情况作出正确和诚实的判断。他们对虚假和不诚实异常敏感。

Comfortable acceptance of self, others, nature. Self-actualizers accept their own

human nature with all its flaws. The shortcomings of others and the contradictions of the human condition are accepted with humor and tolerance.

Spontaneity. Maslow's subjects extended their creativity into everyday activities. Actualizers tend to be unusually alive, engaged, and spontaneous.


Task centering. Most of Maslow's subjects had a mission to fulfill in life or some task or problem outside of themselves to pursue. Humanitarians such as Albert Schweitzer and Mother Teresa are considered to have possessed this quality.

人生目标明确。马斯洛的绝大多数研究对象都有一生中想要完成或解决的自身以外的使命或问题。人道(博爱)主义者Albert Schweitzer 和 Mother Teresa 被认为具备这种品质。

Autonomy. Self-actualizers are free from reliance on external authorities or other people. They tend to be resourceful and independent.


Continued freshness of appreciation. The self-actualizer seems to constantly renew appreciation of life's basic goods. A sunset or a flower will be experienced as

intensely time after time as it was at first. There is an "innocence of vision", like that of an artist or child.



Fellowship with humanity. Maslow's subjects felt a deep identification with others and the human situation in general.


Profound interpersonal relationships. The interpersonal relationships of

self-actualizers are marked by deep loving bonds.

深刻的人际关系。 “自我实现者”的人际关系表现为充满深刻爱意的纽带。

Comfort with solitude. Despite their satisfying relationships with others,

self-actualizing persons value solitude and are comfortable being alone.[13]


Non-hostile sense of humor. This refers to the wonderful capacity to laugh at oneself. It also describes the kind of humor a man like Abraham Lincoln had. Lincoln probably never made a joke that hurt anybody. His wry comments were gentle proddings of human shortcomings.[citation needed]


Peak experiences. All of Maslow's subjects reported the frequent occurrence of peak experiences (temporary moments of self-actualization). These occasions were marked by feelings of ecstasy, harmony, and deep meaning. Self-actualizers reported feeling at one with the universe, stronger and calmer than ever before, filled with light, beautiful and good, and so forth.



In summary, self-actualizers feel safe, not anxious, accepted, loved, loving, and alive. 简而言之,“自我实现者”感到安全,不焦虑,被接纳,被爱,充满爱意和活力。


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